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Reporting Notification of Injury


how to report an injury or death at work

I. Reporting an Employee Injury or Death at Work:

Any employer requiring workmen's compensation coverage is required to notify and report to the Commission any employee injury or death at work within 10-days from the date of injury or when the employer has first knowledge of such injury. First knowledge may also be established by the following:

  • Knowing or acknowledging the occurrence of the actual event(s) on the date of injury;

  • Receipt of the employee's injury reporting notification; or

  • Receipt of a Notice of Claim Filed from the Commission or carrier


II. Filing an Injury Report with the Commission


To file an injury report of an employee injury or death at work, the employer must use and complete Form STD-27: Employer Report of Occupational Injury and Illness. A copy of the completed form must be provided to the: (1) Commission's Office and (2) the employer's authorized insurance carrier. The employer is required by law to retain and store a record of all injury reporting notifications and to provide such record whenever it is required or requested by the Commission.

An injury report notification must have the following information as required by law:

  • name, address and business of the employer;

  • name, address and occupation of the injured employee;

  • the cause and nature of the Employee's injury or death at work;

  • the year, month, day, and hour when and the particular locality where the injury or death occurred;

  • other information as the Commission may require

  • additional reports in respect to an injury and the condition of the Employee which shall be sent by the employer to the Commission as such times and in such manner as the Commission may prescribed.

The submission of an injury reporting notification before the Commission or an insurance carrier does not mean a workmen's compensation claim has officially been filed by the employee. Filing an official compensation claim is a separate process.


III. Record-Keeping of All Employee Injury or Death Report by the Employer:

In addition to the reporting mandate, employers are also required under A.S.C.A. Section 32.0601 to keep a record in respect to any employee injury or death at work. It means the employer must ensure that all reporting notifications are properly retained and stored and readily made available for inspection by the Commission or other governmental authority at such times and under such conditions as the Commission may deemed by regulation prescribed.



IV. Failure to Furnish and Submit an Injury Notification Report:


Any employer failing or refusing to produce and furnish an injury report notification on an employee injury or death to the Commission as mandated under A.S.C.A. Sec. 32.0602 is subjected to a civil penalty prescribed under A.S.C.A. Section 32.0551 not to exceed $500.00 for each failure or refusal.

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