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Disability Benefits (wage loss)

Temporary Wage Benefits 

There are two temporary wage benefits offered under the A.S. Workmen's Compensation Act: Temporary Total Disability (TTD) and Temporary Partial Disability (TPD). Temporary wage benefits help compensate the employee for any time-loss and loss in wage earning capacity at the same or another employment due to his or her work injury or disability.

1. Temporary Total Disability Benefit (TTD)

TTD benefits provide assistance to an injured employee temporarily disabled and out of work only for a period of time and whereby such employee is fully expected to return to work. It mainly provides compensation for such an employee when suffering any wage or time loss during such period. To determine weekly TTD compensation payments, only 66-2/3% of the employee's average weekly wages shall be paid during the continuance thereof.


TTD payments can be stopped or suspended when the employee meets either of the following conditions: employee returns voluntarily back to work; the primary treating physician determined the employee fit to resume work; or the employee successfully reaching the clinical Medical Maximum Improvement date (MMI) as determined by a qualified evaluating doctor. If an employee is assigned an MMI date, it means the evaluating doctor has determined that the injury can no longer be improved or treated any further. ​

2. Temporary Partial Disability Benefit (TPD)

TPD benefits compensate any decrease in the employee's wage-earning capacity at the same or another employment due to his or her work-injury or disability. There are times an employee successfully returns to work or resume employment but unable to earn the equivalent pre-injury gross weekly wages as before. Under the law, the compensation for TPD shall be two-thirds of the difference between the employee's average weekly wages before the injury and his wage-earning capacity after the injury in the same or another employment. It shall also be paid during the continuance of such disability but not longer than 5 years. 

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