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Medical Benefits

I.     Payment of Medical Expenses

The employer is required to pay all medical expenses and rehabilitation services expended by the employee for medical treatments pertaining to his or her work-related injury as required by law. This include furnishing where no other provision is made such medical, surgical, and other attendance or treatment, nurse, hospital service, medicine, crutches, and apparatus for such period as the of the injury or the process of recovery may require. If the employer fails to provide the same after request by the injured employee, such injured employee may do so at the expense of the employer.

II.     Reimbursements of Medical Expenses Paid by the Employee

An injured employee may claim for reimbursement of related medical treatments and services paid by the employee out-of-pocket. This includes reimbursement of payments for related medications, medical apparatuses, and all other related medical items purchased by the employee for the treatment or service of his or her work-injury. 


To properly claim for reimbursement, the claimant is fully required to furnish and provide all proof of record such as valid and actual receipts for each transacted expense.

II.     Reimbursements of Other Allowable Expenses

The Commission has statutory discretion to determine other related expenses paid by the employee for reimbursement under the A.S. Workmen's Compensation Act. In 2019, the Commission approved on instituting a policy to determine what other expenses are deemed allowable and allowable for reimbursement.

The Commission's reimbursement policy is subjected for review every year. The only expenses under consideration by the policy are related travel arrangements (airfare and accommodation); medications and medical supplies; and transportation. All expenses must be related to the work-injury.

The following are considered allowable and unallowable expenses have been approved by the Commission for reimbursement consideration:



Unallowable Expenses for Reimbursement:​

1. All meals and groceries purchased and paid;

2. All forms of telecommunication expenses;

3. An in-kind contributions offered to the employee;

4. Any monetary donations or contributions offered and paid by the employee;


5. Medical expenses and related accommodations paid under any governmental assistance or state-run program, insurance program (including private insurance), medical institution, or any non-profit or third-party organizations;

6. Any expenses not related to the injury.



Allowable Expenses for Reimbursement:​


For allowable expenses and the total percentage allowable by the Commission for reimbursement, click here

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